How to add Facebook Like and Twitter button to your Artisteer made template (updated)
1. Log in to your dashboard--> Design- -> Edit HTML
2. Click on "Expand Widget Templates"
3. Search "Ctrl+F" and find the following cod:
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h2 class='art-postheader'>
4. Now paste the next code after the upper code:
<!-- Twitter button Start -->
<div style='float:right;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
tweetmeme_url = '<data:post.url/>';
tweetmeme_source ='Your User Account';
<script src='' type='text/javascript'> </script>
<!-- Twitter button End -->
<!-- Facebook Like button Start -->
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"" + data:post.url + "&layout=box_count&show_faces=false&width=100&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden;float:right; width:50px; height:65px;'/>
<!-- Facebook Like button End -->
5. Replace Tour User Account with your Twitter username and save the template.
With this trick the like and twiteer buttons will appear in the right side of the title , if you want to make the buttons appear in the article you have to paste the facebook and twitter code before (for the buttons to appear top of the article) or after (for the buttons to appear bottom of the article) this code:
so amazing iv been lookin 4 this
Has anyone tried this? I've tried it on several blogs of mine both with Artisteer templates and the standard blogger template and it shows up with a blank body - i.e. no posts at all - just a header and sidebars. Any suggestions? I'd really like these buttons at the end of my posts.
I tried it and it does the same thing for me...
I update the tutorial and now it should work.It was a problem with the facebook script.If you have any problems just ask .
my post is gone after applied this trick
sory man its not work
You can see that the trick works in the demo blogs. Maybe it doesn't work on yours because there is some conflicts with another scripts you have.
Sorry, I´m having the very same problem with my blog. Not working either.
Try again now. It will certainly work.
By the way when i go to your blog it redirect me to another page which doesn't load. Is that the way your blog should do?:)
It's working great. Thanks
It's Working Thanks Bro :D
I use artister 3.0 and i cannot find
This script in my html
What script you don't find Suon Virak?
Would be great to have this on my site. But i can't find the code of step 3 in my template html
I am using artisteer 3.0 also.
i use artisteer 2.5 and i can´t find the "design" tab
Look at this picture and you will see where is Design, Tanya.
Molly, did you expanded your template first? Search only for:
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
and you will find the code
There are 5 articles in my top page. Therefore, 5 tweet buttons exist.
But, they don't work correctly. :<
No problem on article page. :)
This is friggin fantastic! But one thing, the tweet count does not update but the fb one does! here is my site (in the making):
I am so thankful for this site, as it's one of the few that actually make sense!
Try now I changed the script and it should work
How to make "Find us on Facebook" like on ??
I can see that you already have the widget on your blog.
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